There Really Are Programs Your Government Forced the IRS To Create, to Solve All of Your IRS Tax Problems, but the IRS Tries To Hide Them From You!
Stop Wage Garnishments, Remove Levies and Liens and Even ‘Unfreeze’ Your Bank Account
if It’s Been Less Than 21 Days – “You Must Act Quickly Though!”
You Too Can Get Out From Under the Crushing Weight of IRS Tax Problems with the ‘Unfair Advantage’ of a ‘Swat Team’ of IRS Tax Specialists and Seasoned Tax Attorneys on Your Side, Fighting for You!
- Stop Being Bullied by The IRS!
- End IRS Wage Garnishments!
- Remove IRS Levies!
- Stop IRS Liens!
- All IRS Back Tax Issues Handled for You!
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Why Shouldn’t You and Your Family Benefit from IRS Programs That Your Government Created to Protect You?
Since you’ve ended up here, you, or someone you know, probably have big problems due to unfiled tax returns or unpaid back taxes.
Maybe it’s from years of unpaid back income taxes, payroll taxes, or you may have received a gift or inherited an estate and just can’t afford to pay the taxes on it.

If you’re a business owner maybe you ended up behind on your taxes because you were just trying to feed your family and couldn’t make ends meet while setting aside money for the IRS too. Even some corporations face hard times and have gotten into hot water with their taxes.
No doubt you want to pay it but you just can’t. If you could have you would have by now. IRS agents are probably “breathing down your neck”, and it seems there’s nothing you can do to get them off ypur back. It could be they’ve “repoed” your vehicles, put a lien on the family home, filed embarrassing public tax lien notices and even put a freeze on your bank account(s). In short order, they’ll be garnishing your wages and leaving you with next to nothing to live on, if they haven’t already.
Hi, my name is Wes Edwards, owner of Accelerated Tax Solutions, and I hear this all the time. But I’m guessing you’re wondering… ‘Is what is said above really true or is it just a lot of hype? Are there really IRS programs out there to help me get out from under the stiifling pressure of IRS problems and back tax issues? Can liens, levies and garnishments really be stopped?‘
I understand because I’d probably be asking the same thing if I were you. If you give me just a minute I’ll show you why it’s possible and how!
There definitely are various programs that can help you get help with all your IRS problems. Some may be tailored just to your circumstances and this is what empowers us to help you. We didn’t create them; the law making bodies of the federal government forced the IRS to create them for citizens who can’t find another way out.
However, the IRS doesn’t want them to become widely known or used. Have you ever heard them talking about them or publicizing them? I didn’t think so. That’s because they don’t, not even once in a blue moon.
They’d just prefer you just keep handing them 200% of your take home pay until the day you die. It’s their job; it’s all in a day’s work for them. When they go home they’re not thinking about you and your problems, they’re concerned about what their boss thinks of them and of how to get their next promotion, and that means doing their job really well which ends up coming out of your hide – OUCH!
You can pour out your heart to the IRS agents when they call, or worse yet, when they pay you a visit – and they do. You can explain how you and/or your wife have lost your job(s), or how illness has taken its toll, that the stock market crashed, that the value of your home has taken a nosedive, how your kids need a place to live, food and clothing; you can go on and on about your desire and best intentions to pay them and about your honesty. But no matter what, the bottom line is, they’re trained to ignore your pleas, maybe even to view them as just excuses and to press on to get what they want, in spite of everything you just said. It’s like talking to a wall! It can make you want to tear your hair out!
You and your family really should take advantage of the IRS programs that your government forced the IRS to create to get you and your family relief from your IRS back tax issues; to try and find a way to put this IRS nightmare to an end once and for all.
Ask Yourself
- What will it feel like to no longer be in fear of the IRS?
- What will my life be like when I can sleep in peace and not wake up thinking about my IRS tax problems?
- What might the consequences be of trying to take on the IRS without experienced help on my side?
- Why should I let the IRS ‘bully’ or ‘blackmail’ me into a program that makes my situation worse when help is available?
- Why shouldn’t I take advantage of available programs to help me when so many others do?
- How much more interest and penalties do I want to let accrue before I do something to put an end to these tax issues?
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Can We Really Defend You Against the IRS?
How, could we afford to offer you financing to help you solve your IRS issues if it wasn’t really possible? Could we afford to start with no money down? Of course not! There’s no way we’d ever get paid if we couldn’t deliver. On the other hand, the success we’ve had helping people turns them into grateful clients, more than happy to pay us for what we’ve done for them!
Our team has decades of experience dealing with IRS and state tax issues. From the owners, tax consultants and tax attorney’s we have resolved the thorniest of tax issues!
We’ve helped very prestigious clients and down to earth common folk that ran into problems. We wish we could give you a list with the full names of our satisfied clients but in this business that just doesn’t happen. Virtually nobody is willing to make their tax problems known.
If you call and talk to me though I think you’ll be able to see we’re honest. In reality we are one of the most reputable firms in the industry. Many of the real big ones out there charge very expensive prices to put you into a program you don’t qualify for and then when it gets rejected by the IRS they charge you again for another program. We don’t do this and that’s why we have maintained an A+ rating with BBB for well over a decade.
Our team is made up of CPA’s, attorney’s and every type of tax professional that can handle any type of problem with the IRS.
On a daily basis, we handle the most difficult tax issues, ones that the majority of CPAs, accountants and tax preparers don’t even want to touch. If I could tell you just one thing it’d be: Don’t ignore the IRS. Don’t do it. There are 3 good reasons why I say that.
3 Reasons Not To Delay
It’s not so you call me up and hire us, although we do want you to do that. There’s a lot more to it. The faster you take action the better it works out for you! First, when you delay the IRS assumes you want to cheat them. The longer you wait, the more they suspect tax fraud and evasion (criminal offenses) and they get nastier and nastier! Many do nothing because sheer fear paralyzes them, but the IRS won’t see that and if they do they’re not likely to care either.
The second reason not to delay is that penalties and interest are accruing FAST!
The third reason not to wait is that, very likely, there is good news available. You may have more options than you thought! Programs really do exist and they can turn your financial situation around. Why wait to benefit from that type of tax help?
Whether you use us or not, the advice doesn’t change – get professional help to navigate the dangerous and confusing waters of the IRS!
But you may ask “Can’t I just solve my own problems with the IRS?”
Well, you can and you can’t.
You certainly can contact the IRS, they want you to do that. But the odds of solving your problem in a way that beneifts you are slim indeed. As a matter of fact, the first thing they’ll probably do is ask you to disclose all your financial information to them… and after you do they’ll just turn around and use it against you. They almost never let you know when you are not obligated to do that! (as crazy as it may sound in many cases you don’t have to though)
Second, when you call you’ll probably have to sit through non stop recordings thanking you for calling and assuring you of how much they care about you and want to take your call. Then when you finally do get through to them it’s amazing how it turns out; “We lost the papers you already sent so if you could please just send them again we’ll be more than glad to help you.” It seems like a complete waste of time, and most times it is, all the while penalties and interest keep accruing! You just keep getting deeper and deeper in the hole!
Sometimes you just want to scream but there is no point in that either.
Many times citizens that try to solve their own issues with the IRS flat out get rejected because the paperwork is so complicated to fill out correctly and because they don’t know all the allowable expenses and deductions they are entitled to. Due to this many end up defaulting again which leaves them far worse off than when they started. So even when it seems like you ‘won’, you actually lost.
The arrangements we work out for our clients, almost always relieve the burden!
In reality, our experience shows that very few people that take on the IRS alone do anything to help themsleves, almost invariably they make the situation worse, sometimes much worse because, as mentioned above, they end up revealing too much to the IRS… they “show all their cards” so to speak. Again, when you reveal more than you are required to they just turn around and use it against you. This happens all the time! And again, even when you do have “success” most times the terms you agree to provide no real help.
Unless there is a big change in circumstances, almost everyone that tries to solve their own issues with IRS agrees to such bad terms that they end up behind the eight ball and default again because they got bullied by the IRS. When that happens you are in more hot water than when you started because now you not only have the original amount but you have penalties, interest and maybe even a default penalty too! It’s really frustrating and on top of that the IRS returns to putting levies and liens in place and goes back to garnishing your wages, the things you tried to avoid when you originally contacted them to resolve things.
We will help our clients in ways that significantly benefit them. We can say this for a certainty because if we can’t help you we won’t even take your case. And did I mention that the evaluation to find out is free?
Congress forced the IRS to create various programs and the IRS can be forced to comply with them, but only if you are properly and fully armed by understanding your options and the correct application to your particular situation! But again, beware, the IRS isn’t going to explain this to you when you call. They don’t hesitate to keep citizens in the dark in respect to these available tax programs.
Usually the way we work out your situation will cover our fee in just a few short months! After that the savings are all “icing on the cake” so to speak. It could turn out, in the long run, that the IRS’ bullying you into seeking help was the best thing that ever happened to you because it ends up saving you thousands, tens of thousands or even millions of dollars!
So can you deal with your IRS problems alone? Yes, but it’s probably not in your best interests to do so. Would you try to be your own lawyer in any other situation? (most programs require a tax lawyer).
So Why Not Just Use Your CPA That Does Your Accounting And Taxes To Deal with Your IRS Issues Too?
Well, CPA’s are experts at bookkeeping, preparing tax returns, financial reports, audits and for giving general financial advice. That’s what they spend the lion’s share of their time on. But that in itself is the problem.
While we respect the work of CPAs and accountants, you need help with unpaid back taxes issues and all their consequences, and that just isn’t their specialty at all. It’s NOT what they do and if you ask them they’ll no doubt tell you that straight out.
So the bottom line is, almost invariably, that your accountant and even your CPA are woefully unequipped to deal with back tax issues. They had to study it in school and have probably heard a few seminars in the years that follow, but from a lack of use most just have a foggy understanding of some of the programs available.
The thing is, we do this exclusively, we could teach the seminars your accountant attends to learn it from because we do this every day, all day long! This is our bread and butter. You need the IRS off your back and you need it now. You shouldn’t have to wait for your accountant to catch up on the latest rules, programs and modifications.
If an accountant or CPA hasn’t dealt with these types of issues, which almost all haven’t, they are not who you want representing you before the IRS agents who spend all day long shaking people down for as much as possible. That’s just not level ground!
This is our specialty and it’s this level of expertise that is needed to keep you on equal footing with the IRS and give you a fighting chance to beat them at their own game!
So why not contact us by calling 877-381-9836 or you can fill in the form above or below. When you do here is what we promise:
- You Will Get a Free Consultation With a Seasoned IRS Tax Specialist!
- IRS Transcripts pulled for free. (almost all others charge for this)
- You Will Be Charged Nothing Until We Are Sure We Can Take Your Case and We Can Help You!
- The Best Possible Solution to Your Tax Problems – 100% Guaranteed!
- Financing is Available! (almost unheard of in the industry)
- Start With No Money Down! (others charge hundreds of dollars)
As I said, the consultation with us is free as well as the analysis to see if we can help you. You’re here already so if it feels right to you why not give us a call or fill out the form so we can let you know what type of help you best qualify for?
I’m confident that no one is better equipped or qualified than us to help you. However, I am a bit partial in this matter. So please feel free to check our A+ BBB rating for yourself.
No matter what, please, do something! You can surf the internet all day and all night and be in the same place you are right now. You know what happens when you hit the back button, many times you can’t get back to that site you were looking for again so while you’re here go ahead and call us or fill out the form. I think you’ll be happy when you see what we can do for you!
All we require is an email address and a phone number but it’ll make it so we know who to talk to if you include your first name. We know that you probably want us to be discreet, confidential and to respect your privacy. We only use the information you give us to contact you to help get solve your issues with the IRS.
Wes Edwards
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Just LOOK at What Our Other Clients Are Saying About Us
From “Dread to “Peace For the past decade I have lived with a dreaded fear of the situation I found myself in. Being a realist I knew it was of my own doing but was also clueless as what to do about this problem. After being contacted by the IRS I knew I had to do something or face ruin again. I decided to look into your firm. WOW was I surprised at how your staff reacted and stayed on top of things. All[i] was a relief to work with and very professional and at the top of her game and earned my trust.. Something not easily done after a decade of secrecy concerning my financial situation. All in all your people greatly improved my life and returned me to full nite of sleep . PRICELESS! I would recommend your firm , staff and services to anyone in my situation. Thank You.Sam P.
Thanks for the Refund! Accelerated tax solutions is a great company. They worked hard… and kept in touch with every move they made. They answered all questions my wife and I had. The Accelerated Tax Solutions got us a refund of $10,000… We were not expecting such a large amount. Thanks again to everyone that was involved in our case at Accelerated Tax Solutions.Richard Johnson
Do Not Take on The IRS Alone ATS Inc. represented me with the IRS and got a handle on my outstanding balance… They stopped the harassing letters. ATS Inc. was highly professional and I would recommend this company to anyone having IRS problems. I learned a lesson from ATS, you cannot take on the IRS along.Michael A.
Unsurpassed Customer Service. My experience with Accelerated Tax Solutions has been unsurpassed from the moment I completed their contact form. My team has been VERY professional and met all deadlines. As a small business owner the one thing I value most is exemplary customer service. I would recommend this company to anyone facing the bully tactics from the IRS without hesitation.Barbara
The Person is More Important than the Money. I am very thankful for A.T.S. For helping with my tax burden.It was a big relief for me.I will recommend A.T.S. to anyone A.T.S. Is more concerned for the person as to the money. Thanks A.T.SGerald C. Weatherford Tx.
Patience & Empathy Shown Thank you for all your help. We probably would have went to another tax service provider if not for your patience and empathy. You guys are truly an asset.Teresa M.
A National Company with a Simple Solution I just wanted to write this to thank you for helping me get my tax situation straightened out. I have been divorced since 2002 and with everything that is involved in that and with getting in over my head with being the only income I had not filed my taxes for several years both state and federal. I was going through my email one day and came across an email from ATS and decided that I needed to get things taken care of before the IRS did it for me. I filled out their very simple free consultation and within hours was contacted by someone. I was a little reluctant to conduct business with a company that was out of state especially since I would be sharing personal information with them, but after checking online for any complaints about the company which I found none, I decided to have them try to get my finances current with the IRS. Your company has been very professional, affordable (very important) when you are a single parent and so far everything has been working out very well. Once you provide them with some information they pretty much take care of the rest. I would encourage anyone with outstanding IRS issues to get it taken care of immediately and if you need someone to help with that, I urge you to contact Accelerated Tax Solutions!Mary, New Jersey
Talented Team of Dedicated Professionals that Love Their Work. You guys are phenomenal and went above and beyond for me to make my deadline. We filed 07-011 today and I cannot express how great feel about my choice to go with ATS, Whoever is hiring you guys has a good eye for great people who are both nice and talented. I know I made the right choice and feel like I am working with a team of dedicated professionals that really love their work and their clients. Thanks for convincing me that I didn’t need to look any further for help. You were right!! As you know, I have had a lot of bad luck and I feel like it’s starting to turn around. Thanks again, and please let me know where I can send my accolades. Can you let me know who I can address a letter to about Kelley? She is phenomenal and went above and beyond for me to make my deadline.Janine A.
I just want to write this as a thank you for helping me with my tax problem. When I received the letter from the IRS… I was terrified of what could have happened had I not addressed it. So I contacted the IRS office trying to get this matter situated by sending them all types of documents that they requested to make arrangements. Unfortunately, nothing seemed to go anywhere. I was browsing the internet to see if someone out there could provide help with how to deal with my particular IRS problem.After searching and searching, I came across Accelerated Tax Solutions and gave them a call right away. I explained my tax situation and after hearing what they could do for me, I felt relieved. I decided to have ATS take care of my tax situation and once I provided ATS with some information, they took care of the rest.ATS representatives were very knowledgeable and answered all the questions I needed answers to immediately… Thank you for resolving my case and I would definitely encourage others with IRS issues to contact Accelerated Tax Solutions. Thank you ATS!Tom S.
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